Charter Studies

Charter schools have been offering educational choices to families across the nation for over two decades.

Simultaneously, the charter school movement has received criticism in many states, with supporters praising the charters’ autonomy and opponents protesting the allocation of public school resources to charters. Only a fraction of the debate is grounded in well-researched evidence about charter school practices and their impact on student outcomes.

The need for evidence about charter school performance persists. CREDO continues to expand the evidence base with systematic research on charter school performance across the country.

Search Reports

National Charter School Study III...

Charter Study, National Study, Report
National Charter School Study III


The third installment of our study examines the academic progress of students enrolled in charter schools compared with those enrolled in traditional public schools (TPS).
Charter School Performance in Rhode Island – 2023


This analysis serves as a benchmark for charter school performance as COVID-19 recovery begins.

Charter Schools’ Response to the Pandemic in Cal...

Charter Study, COVID, State Study
Charter Schools’ Response to the Pandemic in California, New York and Washington State


Charter schools in California, New York, and Washington state show standing capacity to adapt. New research on charter schools’ reveals a larger story of how education policy at large...
NY charter schools: Remote instruction during the COVID crisis (spring 2020)


New York State charter schools adjusted rapidly to remote learning Download Full Report Press Release
Charter School Performance in the State of Washington


Washington’s charter schools a plus for English language learners but neutral on average for most students.
Charter School Performance in South Carolina 2019


Charter school students on average fall behind peers in math 1. The typical charter school student in South Carolina experienced similar learning gains in reading and weaker growth in...

Charter School Performance in New Mexico...

Charter Study, State Study
Charter School Performance in New Mexico


Charter schools on average improve to the level of traditional public schools Full Report
Charter School Performance in Pennsylvania


Online charters serve students poorly compared to other schools

Charter School Impacts in Idaho...

Charter Study, State Study
Charter School Impacts in Idaho


Idaho charter school successes particularly notable in rural areas

“The CREDO report last week was absolutely a wake-up call, even if you dispute some of its conclusions or its language. The charter movement is putting itself at risk by allowing too many second-rates and even third-rate schools to continue to exist. Your goal should always be quality, not quantity.”

United States Secretary of Education Arne Duncan, National Alliance for Public Charter Schools National Conference, June 2009

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