Category: Uncategorized

Huffington Post – A Rebuttal of Weingarten on the Facts.

On April 13, 2016, Randi Weingarten published a blog post on Huffington Post’s website, “A Coordinated National Effort to Decimate Public Schools.” She makes a number of allegations about charter schools in the United States in an effort to paint a picture of large-scale conspiracy and malfeasance aimed at toppling the collective institution of public […]

Education Post – Charter Schools at Age 25: Three Strengths and Three Weaknesses.

While overall academic performance of charter schools has been mixed, it is clearly positive for students in urban settings—the very students who most need better educational opportunities. The Center for Research on Education Outcomes at Stanford found that the typical student in an urban charter school receives the equivalent of 40 additional days of learning growth […]

Education Next – Rethinking Charter School Evaluation When The Gold Standard Is Off The Table.

The findings we’re releasing today are good news for the education research community because they demonstrate that CREDO’s synthetic matching approach offers a reasonable alternative when the gold standard is not feasible or possible. This approach appears to produce reliable estimates of charter effectiveness and does so in a manner that ensures high rates of […]

Education Week – Cyber Charters Have ‘Overwhelmingly Negative Impact,’ CREDO Study Finds.

CREDO, the Center on Reinventing Public Education and Mathematica Policy Research collaborated on the National Study of Online Charter Schools, which represents the first comprehensive national look at the roughly 200 schools in the publicly funded, independently managed cyber-charter sector. Such schools enroll about 200,000 full-time students across 26 states. Read the full article here.